Women’s Committee

Purpose of the Committee

  • To educate the women of the local union of labor’s position on local, state and national laws regarding women’s issues.
  • To build self-esteem.
  • To provide leadership and educational training for women members so that they may become more active in the local union and seek leadership positions.
  • To inform all union members about women and family issues.
  • To encourage women members to become politically active.
  • To discuss problems of women workers in the workplace with the local union leadership.
  • To become active with other labor and women’s organizations supported by the International Union, UAW in order to promote labor’s agenda.
  • To support the local union’s program.

To learn more about the Women’s Committee and get resources, please visit UAW WOMAN

National Womens Organizations & Coalitions

AFL-CIO Civil, Human & Womens Rights Department

Coalition of Labor Union Women

Institute for Womens Policy and Research

National Committee on Pay Equity

National Organization for Women (N.O.W.)

National Womens History Project

National Womens Law Center

The Feminist Press

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