Civil and Human Rights Committee


The Civil and Human Rights Committee is an essential guardian of the “No Discrimination” policy of our union. Members of this committee fulfill the local union’s commitment to assure members full rights regardless of religion, race, creed, color, sex, political affiliation or nationality, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

The committee informs members of steps and procedures, including filing complaints and hearings, whenever a member or members believe their rights have been violated, either by management or other union members. The committee works toward the elimination of discrimination in the workplace, the community and the nation.

Members of this committee have the opportunity to keep the local union moving forward toward the fulfillment of our UAW commitment on the civil rights front.

This committee needs members who feel a moral obligation to speak out on the issues of intolerance, injustice and bigotry and to rebuke any person or group that expresses such activity.


Civil & Human Rights Constituency Within the Workplace

Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Site

The King Center

The Martin Luther King Jr Research and Education Institute

A. Phillip Randolph Institute

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists

Labor Council for Latin American Development

National Association Advancement of Color People

Pride at Work


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