Wind Down/Severance Agreement

The long-awaited Wind Down/Severance Agreements have been mailed out. Some members have started to receive them. If you do not receive them by Friday February 7, 2025, please contact us by email. Be sure to include your name and mailing address. The Local is not responsible for mailing these agreements, but we will make sure that the proper people are notified so that you will have your chance to sign the agreement.

Once you receive the agreement you have two options, mail it in or bring it to Gunite and have security turn it in. Inactive employees are not allowed through the turnstiles. There is a February 5, 2025, deadline, the corporate attorney has made it clear that he knows that employees received the agreements late and has extended the deadline until February 19, 2025.

Severance payments. We do not know when they will be sent out. The agreement states no later than March 31, 2025. You could receive the payment 14 days after the agreement is handed in but no later than March 31, 2025.

If you do not receive your agreement by February 7, 2025. please email us your full name and address at:

9 responses to “Wind Down/Severance Agreement”

  1. Henry Thornton Avatar
    Henry Thornton

    Didn’t receive W-2 or Severance forms…

    1. Admin Avatar

      Did you receive your severance forms?

  2. Craig L Phillips Avatar
    Craig L Phillips

    Why is this not being handled correctly there is nothing professional about the way this is being handled

    1. Admin Avatar

      Our understanding was that everyone would sign the release form during their exit meeting. We hadn’t even seen the release forms until Thursday and thought they were the same agreement we voted on January 8, 2025. We don’t understand why it took so long for the post office to get them to every employee, but the post office did stamp them for January 23rd and 24th.

  3. Lupe Gonzalez Avatar
    Lupe Gonzalez

    Ok, yo resivi la carta, tengo que firmar las tres formas? Porque alguien me dijo que una era que si estoy de acuerdo a pagar por seguro médico, y yo no quiero aseguranza por ahora…. contésteme por favor para saber exactamente que devo firmar… gracias

    1. Admin Avatar

      Sí, tienes que firmar las tres copias. El seguro COBRA es para que usted lo guarde, pero debe haber un área para que usted firme en la parte posterior del formulario de autorización que debe entregarse y luego dos copias que parezcan idénticas que digan “Copia Gunite” y “Copia del empleado” que también deben firmarse y entregarse. El Seguro COBRA es algo que usted maneja por su cuenta si está interesado en contratarlo.

      Yes, you have to sign all three copies. The COBRA insurance is for your keeping but there should be an area for you to sign on the back of the release form that needs to be turned in and then two copies that look identical that say “Gunite Copy” and “Employee Copy” that need to be signed and turned in as well. The COBRA Insurance is something you handle on your own if you are interested in taking it.

  4. Charles Mathis Avatar
    Charles Mathis

    Security officers at Gunite are collecting these Severance forms through the gate instead of HR.
    This form could dissappear without a trace and HR could deny ever receiving it. I suggest the Union have us all meet and collect all these forms and hand them to HR.

    1. Admin Avatar

      This was for security purposes. Security took them directly to HR

  5. Ron Westcott Avatar

    We are hoping that by today everyone has received their forms except for a few that didn’t update their new addresses with human resources. If you still have not received them, please email us at

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